Join Us for an Evolutionary Yoga Event November 7-13 in India!

Join us for an evolutionary yoga event!
The word Sattva means truth, balance, wholeness. It is at the core of who we truly are. As individuals we strive to return to that space of wholeness. We become so immersed in the “busy”ness of our lives that we oftentimes loose contact who we are, as we are constantly moving and doing.
Disconnecting from the normal “routine” and taking a journey to a new place provides a great opportunity for evolution. Also, Offering the body the opportunity to slow down and harmonize with nature and return to “Sattva” or come to stillness is quite healing. In the stillness the inspiration flows.
Choosing India as a place to visit has been one that I hold immense gratitude for. It is here that I discover a deeper understanding of my truth. I first journeyed here in 2014 and now call it home. One of the things I enjoy most about spending my time in Rishikesh at Sattva is meeting yogis from all over the world. Having a Sangha, or “community” is so important when you are on this path. When we are together with one common intention to evolve it creates a powerful energy that can be life changing. Choosing to attend an event or gathering provides a great opportunity to connect with people you wouldn’t otherwise meet. As one of the teachers at The Sattva Summit, I look forward to sharing the teachings, tapping into joy and time together as a Sangha in this sacred land!
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