Winter Solstice Blessings

On Tuesday December 22nd we entered a turning point on the Wheel of the Year called Yule in the Celtic Tradition or as many of us know it- Winter Solstice. This is considered a Quarter Festival, marking the day between Samhain (Halloween) and Imbolc (beginning of Spring). Winter Solstice is a day that marks the longest night of the year and the shortest day of the year. It is symbolic of the return of the light. The rebirth of light from darkness, and the rebirth of life once again.
More Winter Solstice Aspects:
- A Rebirth of the Whole
- A Sacred Pause
- Time of Reflection
- Darkest Time of the Year
- Festival of Rebirth
- Festival of Peace & Love
- Time of Feasting
- Gives Rise to Hope
Winter Solstice Symbols:
- The Colors Red, Green, White, Silver, Gold & Purple
- Warm Drinks, Eggnog, Meat, Dried Fruits & Nuts
- Yule Log
- Lighting of Candles
- Evergreen Tree
- Mistletoe
- Ivy
- Holly
- Wreath
- Santa Claus
Create an altar specifically for this pivotal point in the wheel of the year. Include colors of red, silver, gold, white & purple. Add nature’s beauty with mistletoe, branches of evergreen, red berries and pinecones. Place images of the Sun, the Light, and fertility on your altar with food, spices and warm drinks. Light the way with candles and ignite the inner flame within. Meditate on what wants to be birthed from you at this time and use this altar as a place of refuge to bring you through this portal of darkness into light.
Other Ways to Ignite the Magic of Winter Solstice:
- Take Long Nature Walks at Night
- Wake Up Early with the Sunrise
- Create Ceremony & Feast with Friends & Family
- Exchange Gifts
- Create a Circle of Gratitude
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